Menus, Marquees & Games

Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shop benefit from digital menus, marquee sign and local in-house games. Give your customer a better experience in this modern digital world.

Modern Digital Menu Boards

Digital menu board by nature of their brightness and ability to display vibrant menu board content can improve a locations ambiance just by their presence. The ability to display unique menu board content based on the time and day of the week. This is pertinent in situations where the business serves different meal items like breakfast lunch and dinner.

Video wall marquees for communication

Communication is key, and digital signage is the easiest and most engaging way to connect with your customers and create a “wow” factor. Create the richest possible user experience using the most cutting edge technology available. Engage patrons and customers at a visceral level by harnessing the power of video.

Lifecyle of Marquee Development

Coming Soon...

Bar and Pub Games

Boost the atmosphere on a quiet night at the pub with the excitement of trivia and other video games. Successful trivia nights equate to return patronage, additional revenue and positive word of mouth for your venue.

Lifecyle of Games Development

Coming Soon


Over the years, we have seen many restaurants, bars and coffee shops use chalk boards to display prices. Staff would waste value time changing the chalk boards when items were sold out. We felt technology had improve enough to allow a low cost replacement of the chalk boards. Menus, Marquees and Games was created to help these small businesses use modern technology for thier signage.


New Prices Soon


